Borderlands 2 Guide: Getting to the Safe in the Safe and Sound Mission

After killing the monster, whatever it is called, the safe was standing on top of it with no obvious way of getting to it. I’m not sure if it is a bug or intentional, be sure to leave a comment below if the same happened to you. Here is a guide to explain how to get to the safe:

If you jump on the glowing legs of the monster:

Jump on the blue glowing legs of the monster to get to the safe.

You start bouncing around. Bounce towards the higher spikes of the glowing leg to gain height.


Bounce towards the higher spikes to gain height.

Eventually you get to the top, but you still bounce around. Try to get to the safe and open it by spamming the action key. If you fall of try again with the same method. The safe opens and you have to pick up 3 items out of it. Again, spam the action key until you get the pictures.

Eagle eyed people might spot the chest on another side of the monster:

Chest with some ammunition, not really worth the effort.

For me there was only a bunch of ammunition in it, so it isn’t really worth the effort of getting to it since there is a vendor not far away.

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5 Responses to Borderlands 2 Guide: Getting to the Safe in the Safe and Sound Mission

  1. Sarah says:

    Yeah this is happening to me and is SUPER annoying. It’s definitely a bug because I watched a YouTube video where Blue kneels down and you can easily open the chest. I’ve opened the chest but couldnt stay on long enough to grab the loot. I’m going to quit and go back to see if it’s still like that.

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  4. Anonymous says:

    I think Blue [the monster’s name] just fell in an awkward position. When I killed him his head hit the ground and access to the safe was simple.

    • Anonymous says:

      He froze standing up on my playthrough. Tried the hop trick from above but got aggravated and quit. When came back the chest was on the ground and blue never came out from underground

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