Mk.I, Mk.II and Mk.III Proliferator Blueprint and Spray Coater – Dyson sphere Program

In this guide we will work towards creating a blueprint for producing 120 per second (or 7.2k per minute) of the proliferator Mk.III which is. used to either speed up production or produce extra output for free. We will start with a high level discussion on how the proliferator and spray coater work and then we will discuss how to build each of the 3 stages in detail. The proliferator and spray coater were added as a part of the Icarus’ Evolution major update which I have covered here:

If you are just here for access to the blueprints, here they are:

First starting with how the proliferator and spray coater work. The proliferator can be fed to the spray coater which then coats the materials that pass through the spray coater. When all the materials going into a machine are spray coated then either extra output will be produced for free, up to 25% for Mk.III proliferator, or the production line will be sped up, by up to 100% for Mk.III. This, of course, comes at the cost of extra power. This even works for the fractionated that produces 2% deterium from hydrogen instead of 1% using the Mk.3 proliferator.

The way to connect the spray coater in Dyson Sphere Program

Next we will discuss how to setup the proliferator production lines. The target output is 120 Mk. III per second, which is 1 fill Mk.III conveyor belt stacked 4 high. We will be using the automatic pillar as well as the technology to stack items from the interstellar transportation stations. If you don’t have access to these, just build at a lower rate per second. Starting with Mk. I, we will need to produce 4 times the output as for Mk. III since each Mk.II and Mk.III use 2 if the previous proliferator to produce 1 output. We will also make use of the Mk.III assembling machine. This means that we will need 4 Mk.III conveyor belts stacked 4 items hight. This means that we will need 16 conveyor belts stacked 1 high equivalent of production. To get 1 Mk.III conveyor belt full, we will need to produce 30 Mk.I proliferator per second. We will assume that we will use the Mk.III proliferator to spray coat the coal, which is the input material, and pick the production rate option. This means that we will need the following number of Mk.III assembling machines: 30 * 0.5 (the time it takes to make 1 Mk.I proliferator) / 2 (due to the 100% production rate boost from spray coating with the Mk.III proliferator) / 1.5 (due to the speed multiplier of the Mk.III assembling machine) which is 5 assembling machine. We will need to use an automatic pillar on each of the full output belts and merge 2 of them together to get 8 conveyors stacked 2 high. We will then again use an automatic pillar and merge each 2 conveyor belts to get 4 conveyor belts that are stacked 4 items high and connect them into the interstellar transportation station. We will also need to draw 4 lines of coal stacked 4 items high as the input which can be shared by 20 assembling machines.

The Mk.I Proliferator Production Line

Moving onto the Mk.II proliferator, it is very similar to the Mk.I proliferator. The key differences are that we only need 2 full Mk.III conveyor belts stacked 4 items high with proliferator Mk.II and the production rate of the Mk.II proliferator is half that of the Mk.I. This means that 10 assembling machines are required to fill 1 Mk.III conveyor belt of which we need 8 which are aggregated up using the automatic pillar to 2 full Mk.III conveyor belts stacked 4 items high. You will also need diamonds on the input at half the rate of the Mk.I proliferator which means that a full belt stacked 4 items high can be shared by 40 assembling machines whereas the Mk.I proliferator can only be shared by 20.

The Mk.II Proliferator Production Line

Finally, the Mk.III proliferator again only needs to be produced at half the rate of the Mk.II but also takes twice as long to produce. This means that we need 20 assembling machines to produce 1 full Mk.III conveyor belt and need 20 assembling machines to fill that belt fully. The carbon nanotube input can again be shared by 40 assembling machines and the Mk.II proliferator by 20. When all 4 full belts are aggregated into 1 we will be producing the 120 Mk.III proliferator per second we were targeting. Now it is time to go back and request the Mk.III proliferator for the Mk.I and Mk.II production lines and use the spray coaters to spray all of the input materials for the Mk.I, Mk.II and Mk.III production lines. Be sure to flip to the 100% production boost on all of the assembling machines to produce the required output of each.

The Mk.III Proliferator Production Line

Now you can enjoy access to 120 Mk.III proliferator per second. And, using blueprints, only the available input materials are the limit. The proliferators are excellent to use for the chemical production lines to boost the production rates. It is also worth using the bonus output for items that are expensive to produce and you need a lot of, such as the quantum chips or rockets.

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