Find the Grill and Get Food for the BBQ in Our Right to Party in Far Cry 6

To get food for the BBQ in Our Right to Party in Far Cry 6, speak to Yelena and follow her up on a hill in the east part of the search area and collect the carrots around the cages. You can also destroy the doors to the cages and collect rabbit meat. If some of the rabbits escape, you can hunt them and collect their food. There is also a fishing spot near the east coast of the island, but I didn’t have very much luck with it.

Collect the carrots to get food for the BBQ in Our Right to Party in Far Cry 6

To find the grill for the BBQ go over to Jonron and talk to her. She will lead you to the ocean.

Speak to Jonron to find the grill for the BBQ in Our Right to Party in Far Cry 6

After she finishes talking, dive into the ocean and collect the BBQ grill from the south west part of the search area.

Go to the south west part of the search area to find the grill for the BBQ in Our Right to Party in Far Cry 6
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